=== WP Mail Logging === Contributors: No3x, tripflex Donate link: http://no3x.de/web/donate Tags: mail, email, log, logging, debug, list, store, collect, view License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 5.1.1 Stable tag: 1.9.1 Logs each email sent by WordPress. == Description == Logs each email sent by WordPress. This can be useful if you don't want to lose such mail contents. It can also be useful for debugging purposes while development. Features of the plugin include: * Complete list of sent mails - view and search through the mails. * Error status from mail implementation is logged * Zero-configuration - just install and enjoy. * Log rotation - decide which emails you want to keep. * DevOP: IP of server sent the mail * Developer: Boost your development performance by keeping track of sent mails. * Developer: Filters are provided to extend the columns. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQK6VPSV2-E] **Follow this plugin on [GitHub](https://github.com/No3x/wp-mail-logging)** **If you find an issue, let us know in the [Tracker](https://github.com/No3x/wp-mail-logging/issues?state=open)** **Provide feedback and suggestions on [enhancements](https://github.com/No3x/wp-mail-logging/issues?direction=desc&labels=Enhancement%2Cenhancement&page=1&sort=created&state=open)** == Installation == Just install and activate wp-mail-logging. The plugin will do the work for you! You can list all logged mails on the plugin site. I recommend the following plugins if you want to send mails via SMTP because they are technically well integrated into WordPress and provide error messages on failure.: - [WP Mail SMTP](https://de.wordpress.org/plugins/wp-mail-smtp/) - [SMTP Mailer](https://de.wordpress.org/plugins/smtp-mailer/) == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I know the mail was sent? = If there is no error logged chances are high the mail was sent. There are plugins that overwrite (do not customize) the default mailing mechanism of WordPress - they maybe do not inform about failure so it can't be logged by WP Mail Logging. = How do I know the mail was delivered? = The logged email has been sent by WordPress but please note this does NOT mean it has been delivered. With the given functionality of WordPress you can't determine if a mail was delivered successfully. == Screenshots == 1. The List 2. The Detail View 3. The Settings == Changelog == = 1.9.1, April 18, 2019 = - Fix: log-view resources loaded on each page (performance issue) - Fix: attachment icon is not displayed (e.g. if mime-type is unsupported) = 1.9.0, April 7, 2019 = - Fix: PHP Notice: Undefined index: REMOTE_ADDR - Fix: Resend for multiple receivers - Fix: Resend for attachments - Tweak: error handling - Tweak: rendering for all formats improved - Tweak: dropped support to add custom columns and renderer = 1.8.5, September 13, 2018 = - New: added privacy integration (erasure, export, policy content suggestion) - Fix: typo in readme - Fix: output of html comments in emails - Tweak: performance (duplicate queries of installation state) = 1.8.4, June 22, 2018 = - Fix: transient bug - Fix: notice when attachments not set = 1.8.3, November 10, 2017 = - Fix: another security bug = 1.8.2, November 7, 2017 = - Fix: security bug = 1.8.1, June 8, 2017 = - Fix: Resending mails uses proper headers now - Fix: Translation: Text domain - Fix: Prevent error if mail to set error on was not found = 1.8.0, February 15, 2017 = - New: Error status from mail implementation is logged - New: Resend mail - New: Added translation files - New: Added translation for de_DE and zh_CN - Fix: raw mode of message renders attachments as text - Fix: fallback to raw mode for json mode if mail is containing html - Tweak: Pretty print json = 1.7.0, November 6, 2016 = - New: logging host IP - Fix: passing search term for pagination - Tweak: close modal with ESC = 1.6.2, August 7, 2016 = - Fix: search mails = 1.6.1, August 1, 2016 = - Fix: delete mails = 1.6.0, July 31, 2016 = - New: Improved modal, added view types - Tweak: Proper date if none set in WordPress settings - Tweak: Updated libraries - Tweak: Added wp_mail hook to very last priority = 1.5.1, October 11, 2015 = - Tweak: Fixed security issues = 1.5.0, June 4, 2015 = - New: Setting for date time format - Tweak: Removed admin bar menu - Fix: repetitive cron schedule = 1.4.2, April 4, 2015 = - Tweak: Library updated - settings load speed improved. = 1.4.1, March 28, 2015 = - Fix: Restrict submission data works now. - Fix: Granularity of cleanup by time slider changed to 7. = 1.4.0, December 22, 2014 = - New: Log Rotation - New: Search - Tweak: Settings - Fix: international characters are supported now - Fix: Mandrill support = 1.3.2, September 21, 2014 = - Fix: HTML mails broken in previous version. = 1.3.1, September 12, 2014 = - Fix: angle brackets notation support (e.g. John Doe ). = 1.3, August 24, 2014 = - New: clean mail listing including: Modal window for mail details. Attachment support with appropriate icon for mime type. - Tweak: Performance improvement - Fix: screen option for mails per page = 1.2, August 12, 2014 = - New: video - Tweak: Improved help & stability - Fix: deletion of mails regardless of options (on update to 1.2 your mails will be deleted hopefully this happens for the last time) = 1.1 = - Tweak: Modified readme. = 1.0 = - Initial Revision