= 1.8.5 (2019-05-03) = * Fixed: "No products were found matching your selection." error on WC 3.6. = 1.8.4 (2019-05-02) = * Fixed: WC 3.6 and external products issue. * Fixed: Compatible with discount plugins for WC 3.6. * Fixed: Order products by price does not work. * Fixed: Error on "order by price" main query. * Fixed: Refresh the Ajax geolocation transient after the pricing zone update. = 1.8.3 (2019-04-19) = * Fixed: Shipping calculator form does not change the pricing zone. * Fixed: Removed the stock check from the synchronization variable product prices with children. * Fixed: Variable Subscription products page does not load. * Added: Cache the geolocation AJAX response to improve performance. * Tweak: Improve compatibilty with plugins and themes which uses AJAX to load content. * Tweak: Force display of price in the geolocation AJAX function to fix plugins conflict. = 1.8.1 (2019-04-10) = * Added: Warning to users who uses a deprecated version of the Pro add-on. * Added: get_regions as deprecated function. = 1.8.0 (2019-04-09) = * Added: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.6. * Added: New option to allow users to disable the tax adjustment based on location when the prices are entering with tax included. * Added: Test to detect geolocation problems in system report. * Added: New constant to allow users uses the remote_addr as customer IP. * Added: New interface for pricing zone table. * Tweak: Country switcher template compatible with defer script attribute. * Tweak: Button to unselect Eurozone form the countries list of the pricing zone. * Fixed: Minor security issues. * Dev: Adapt code to the WordPress code standards. * Dev: New admin frawework. = 1.7.21 (2019-02-21) = * Fixed: Bug with WooCommerce 3.5.5 that prevented saving zones. = 1.7.20 (2019-01-23) = * Fixed: "Hide notice" button only works in WooCommerce admin pages. = 1.7.19 (2019-01-03) = * Tweak: AJAX geolocation javascript improve to better compatibility with customizations of the price HTML. * Tweak: Check wc_admin_screen before load admin javascript. = 1.7.18 (2018-11-27) = * Fixed: Order by price does not work. = 1.7.17 (2018-11-20) = * Tweak: Frontend Javascript compatible with JQuery versions prior to 1.12. = 1.7.16 (2018-11-15) = * Fixed: Javascript error on AJAX pricing geolocation.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/dynamic-prices-not-loading-on-archive-page/ * Fixed: Error on loading coupons of type percent. * Tweak: Code improvements. = 1.7.15 (2018-10-12) = * Added: New core functions. = 1.7.14 (2018-10-04) = * Fixed: Bug on "is_exchange_rate" function that affects to round to nearest. * Fixed: Bulk delete zones action does not work. * Tweak: Add tax info to to WooCommerce System Report. = 1.7.13 (2018-10-02) = * Added: WooCommerce tested up to 3.5 * Fixed: The get_price function return a wrong price for variable products.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/wrong-price-for-variable-products/ * Tweak: Improvements on AJAX geolocate function. = 1.7.12 (2018-09-06) = * Fixed: Check the correct WC version before get cart content total. * Fixed: Some errors do not display after zone update. * Tweak: Improvements on AJAX geolocate script. * Tweak: Removed URL parameter after update GeoIP database action. * Tweak: Added 'Dismiss' text to dismissible notices. = 1.7.11 (2018-08-23) = * Fixed: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_billing_country() on null.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/error-on-flatsome-theme/. * Fixed: Action button messages move down in the settings page. * Fixed: Get real IP fail on the wooocommerce status report. * Tweak: New hook to allow filter "is admin AJAX". = 1.7.10 (2018-07-02) = * Fixed: Change AJAX Geolocation method to POST to prevent cache issues. * Tweak: Call AJAX pricing geolocation on each AJAX request to improve compatibility with plugins and themes. * Tweak: Add Geolocation debug info to WooCommerce System Report. = 1.7.9 (2018-06-19) = * Added: Spinner to AJAX Geolocation. * Tweak: Re-style setting zone page. * Fixed: Bug on get_zone function. = 1.7.8 (2018-06-04) = * Fixed: Set the correct country when the customer lands on the order payment page. * Fixed: Warning: Non-static method be called statically on tracker class. = 1.7.7 (2018-06-01) = * Fixed: Ajax geolocation does not refresh the widgets when the cache date is before the widget update. * Tweak: Don't display the "MaxMind database does not exists" alert when Cloudflare Geolocation is enabled. * Added: An easy way to update to MaxMind Geolocation database when it does not exists. * Added: Improvements on country switcher template. * Added: Tax settings in the WooCommerce status report. = 1.7.6 (2018-05-24) = * Fixed: Change country on cart shipping calculator does not update product pricing. = 1.7.5 (2018-05-15) = * Fixed: Product variations with a wrong 'product type' taxonomy are updated with 'nothing' as price method. * Tweak: Set public get_zone_from_order method. = 1.7.4 (2018-05-08) = * Fixed: PHP Parse error on class-admin-notices.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/syntax-error-in-class-wcpbc-admin-notices-php-causes-500-error-in-wp-dashboard/ * Fixed: Ajax geolocation support does not work on homepage for some page builders. * Tweak: Update order meta with zone pricing data. * Tweak: WooCommerce tested up to 3.4 = 1.7.3 (2018-04-17) = * Fixed: Notice dismissible button does not work. * Fixed: Compatible with WC2.5. * Tweak: Upgrade notice. = 1.7.2 (2018-04-13) = * Fixed: Bug on front-end pricing class. * Fixed: Error on admin-notices module on WC version older than 2.6. * Fixed: Refresh mini cart totals after country/currency switch. * Fixed: Problems with order review refresh on checkout page. * Added: Support for "Dynamic Pricing" fixed price and price discount by the exchange rate. * Tweak: New admin notices. = 1.7.1 (2018-03-27) = * Fixed: Error "Can’t use function return value in write context" on old PHP versions. = 1.7.0 (2018-03-27) = * Added: New option: Load product price in the background via AJAX to solve the problem with cache and Geolocation. * Added: No unnecessary WooCommerce user sessions. * Added: "Admin notices" to help users to solve most common problems. * Added: Delegate "Cart refresh" to WooCommerce after the country change by Country switcher. * Added: Security improvements. * Tweak: Style improvements in the back-end. = 1.6.25 (2018-03-01) = * Fixed: Front-end pricing loaded on built-in Woocommerce products export/import. = 1.6.24 (2018-02-16) = * Fixed: Break admin styles. = 1.6.23 (2018-02-06) = * Tweak: Check compatibility with WC 3.3 = 1.6.22 (2017-12-09) = * Fixed: Quick edit compatible with WC 3.0+ * Fixed: On sale dates does not set product on sale. * Fixed: Upgrade to pro notice display for variable products. = 1.6.21 (2017-11-21) = * Added: Improvements to manage zones. * Added: Improvements to status report. * Tweak: Retesting compatibility with WPML * Fixed: PHP Notice - Array to string conversion in status report. = 1.6.20 (2017-10-13) = * Fixed: Warning message on WC 3.2 "Indirect modification of overloaded property WC_Shipping_Rate::$taxes".
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/just-php-notices-after-last-woo-update-2/ * Tweak: WC version check. = 1.6.19 (2017-09-19) = * Fixed: All product are on sale.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/all-product-are-on-sale-after-last-update/ = 1.6.18 (2017-09-19) = * Fixed: Error on WooCommerce Reports message when only exists one currency. * Tweak: Improvements in frontend pricing core function. * Tweak: Deprecated hook "wc_price_based_country_stop_princing" replaced with "wc_price_based_country_stop_pricing". * Tweak: Improvements in system report. * Added: "Select Eurozone" button to settings page. = 1.6.17 (2017-07-22) = * Fixed: Error on edit product when WooCommerce Multilingual is active. * Tweak: Add "other countries text" param to "wcpbc_country_selector" shortcode. = 1.6.15 (2017-07-20) = * Fixed: file not found. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/error-message-after-updating-4/ = 1.6.14 (2017-07-19) = * Fixed: Hide product data ads in default product types. * Fixed: Front-end prices for manual orders are deactivated, so manual orders does discrepancies between prices and currencies. = 1.6.13 (2017-06-26) = * Fixed: No round price set manually.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/total-price-slightly-different-with-version-1-6-12-price-based-on-country/ * Fixed: Round shipping cost after apply currency conversion. * Fixed: Do not echo selected() in country-selector.php.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/do-not-echo-selected-in-country-selector-php/ * Fixed: Check if class WC_Widget exists before load Country selector widget. = 1.6.12 (2017-06-10) = * Fixed: No round empty prices. = 1.6.11 (2017-06-10) = * Fixed: Wrong subtotal calculation with price by exchange rates and more of 10 items in cart.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/wrong-subtotal-calculation/ * Added: Code improvements. * Added: Integration with Pro Addon. = 1.6.10 (2017-05-07) = * Fixed: Deprecated WooCommerce functions and backward compatibility to 2.6 = 1.6.9 (2017-04-24) = * Fixed: Deprecated WooCommerce functions and backward compatibility to 2.6 * Fixed: Break styles on variations downloadable products. * Fixed: Bug on coupons with PHP 7
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/using-coupon-leads-to-an-error-with-php-7-1/#post-9051916 = 1.6.8 (2017-04-10) = * Added: Support for deprecated WooCommerce functions and backward compatibility to 2.6. * Fixed: Bug on array with locale-sensitive sort function.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/fatal-error-add-zone-or-viewedit-zone/ * Tweak: Apply exchange rates to min order amount on free shipping method. Thanks @mariankadanka.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/convert-free-shipping-costs/#post-8946654 = 1.6.7 (2017-03-10) = * Fixed: Broken Dependencies on script wc-price-based-country-frontend.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/prices-not-showing-after-latest-update/page/2/#post-8895976 * Tweak: Improvements on WooCommerce report support. = 1.6.6 (2017-02-25) = * Fixed: Error when editing a draft variable product.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/fatal-error-2460/ * Fixed: Post object isn't instance.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/error-trying-to-get-property-of-non-objec/ * Tweak: Apply exchange rates to coupon minimum and max amounts. * Tweak: Load files code improvements. = 1.6.5 (2016-12-30) = * Fixed: Set customer session cookie after headers has been send. * Fixed: Sync the variable product prices with it's children when “Hide out of stock items from the catalog” option is enabled.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/variable-product-price-not-showing-in-listing-and-details-page/ = 1.6.4 (2016-12-18) = * Fixed: Bug with paypal express checkout by AngellEYE.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/paypal-or-plugin-error/ * Fixed: Enabled paypal standard in WooCommerce checkout settings when exists a supported country in Zone Pricing. = 1.6.3 (2016-11-26) = * Fixed: 'added_to_cart' javascript event causes a issue with some themes, replace by 'wcpbc_cart_refreshed'. * Fixed: Undefined index HTTP_USER_AGENT.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/notice-undefined-index-http_user_agent-2/ * Fixed: Exchange rate to minimum and maximum spend of coupon usage restriction.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/any-coupon-discount-usage-restriction-support/ * Tweak: Add plugin info to WooCommerce System Status Report. * Added: WooCommerce 2Checkout Gateway by Krokedil Integration * Added: Spanish Translation. * Added: French Translation. * Added: Netherlands translation. = 1.6.2 (2016-09-24) = * Fixed: Price missing for variable products with all variation with manual price. * Fixed: Mini Cart not is refreshed on country switcher changes. * Tweak: $_SERVER instead of $_POST in check_manual_country_widget function. = 1.6.1 (2016-09-17) = * Fixed: Bug in reports by exchane rate.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/fix-of-reports-support-by-exchange-rate/ = 1.6.0 (2016-09-17) = * Added: New core front-end pricing. * Added: Schecule sale prices. * Added: Currency conversion to all shipping methods. * Added: Currency conversion to coupons. * Added: Reports support by exchange rate. * Fixed: Bulk remove zones not works in settings page. * Fixed: Quick edit required reload page. * Fixed: Currency Switcher with appropriate locale-sensitive sort orderings.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/order-countries-in-languages-other-than-english/ * Fixed: Wrong shipping tax
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/shipping-with-vat/#post-8162704 = 1.5.12 (2016-07-12) = * Fixed: Cart prices not updated after calculate shipping
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/cart-prices-not-updated-on-calculate-shipping * Fixed: Country switcher not works fine when the country is changed in shipping calculator. = 1.5.11 (2016-06-28) = * Fixed: Mysql Database error on WooCommerce free shipping conversion
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/database-error-222 * Fixed: Incompatibility with non-latin chars in region name.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/i-cant-set-manual-price = 1.5.10 (2016-06-25) = * Fixed: Bug with shippings methods of WooCommerce 2.6 * Fixed: Bug on price filter of WooCommerce 2.6 * Fixed: Check if customer has been initialized in woocommerce_currency hook * Fixed: Wrong price for variation products when price included tax. = 1.5.9 (2016-05-17) = * Fixed: PHP Fatal error in country switcher template
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/price-not-showing-for-products * Fixed: Not apply currency conversion to free shipping min amount
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/free-shipping-issue-2?replies=2 * Tweak: Add "select all" and "select none" tool buttons to region setting page. = 1.5.8 (2016-04-17) = * Fixed: On sale shortcode display a worng price
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/onsale-shortcode-not-working = 1.5.7 (2016-03-21) = * Fixed: Currency not change on check-out page
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/changes-currency-on-check-out-page?replies=2 = 1.5.6 (2016-03-19) = * Fixed: Cart refresh when Country switcher widget change. * Tweak: Remove select button on Country switcher widget. = 1.5.5 (2016-02-20) = * Fixed: Bug in Country switcher widget. * Added: Country switcher widget title. = 1.5.4 (2016-02-14) = * Fixed: Non-static method be called statically.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/deprecated-15?replies=1#post-8025565 * Added: Code improvements. = 1.5.3 (2016-02-05) = * Fixed: Wrong name in callback function.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/warning-call_user_func_array-expects-parameter-1-to-be-a-valid-callback-7 = 1.5.2 (2016-02-03) = * Fixed: Anonymous functions caused a syntax error in settings page. = 1.5.1 (2016-01-17) = * Fixed: Anonymous functions caused a syntax error.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/compatibility-issue-19 = 1.5.0 (2016-01-14) = * Added: Country Selector Widget. * Added: Support to WooCommerce Products on Sale Widget. * Added: Code improvements. * Added: Option Price based on Billing or Shipping Country.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/bug-with-prices-if-the-shipping-and-billing-country-are-different * Added: Flat and International Flar Rate Shipping currency conversion.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/shipping-price * Fixed: Incorrect value for price included tax.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/prices-are-to-high * Fixed: Country selector Shortcode not works properly.
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/wcpbc_country_selector-widget-should-return-not-echo = 1.4.2 = * Added: Multicurrency support for WooCommerce Status dashboard Widget. * Added: Improved performance for variable product. * Fixed: WPML compatiblity - Fields of variable products are not blocked. = 1.4.1 = * Added: Ready for WPML. * Fixed: Max And Min Values in Price Filter Widget not works. = 1.3.5 = * Added: Ready for WooCommerce 2.4 = 1.3.4 = * Fixed: Country of Base Location not in list of countries. * Added: Improved settings page. = 1.3.3 = * Fixed: The manual price is not saved in external/affiliate products. * Fixed: The exchange rate only supports dot as decimal separator. * Added: Support for WooCommerce Price Filter Widget (beta). = 1.3.2 = * Required: WooCommerce 2.3.0 or or later! * Fixed: Incorrect currency conversion for variable products. * Added: Integrate with WooCommerce geolocation function. * Added: Improved test mode. * Added: Radio button to select the price method (calculate by exchange rate or manually) for each product. = 1.3.1 = * Fixed: Price before discount not show for variable products with sale price. = 1.3.0 = * Added: Exchange rate to apply when price leave blank. * Added: Hook and template to add a country selector. * Fixed minor bugs. = 1.2.5 = * Fixed bug that breaks execution of cron jobs when run from wp-cron.php. * Fixed bug: Error in uninstall procedure. = 1.2.4 = * Fixed bug that break style in variable products. * Fixed bug: prices not show in variable products. = 1.2.3 = * Added: Sale price by groups of countries. * Added: Refresh prices and currency when user changes billing country on checkout page. * Fixed minor bugs. = 1.2.2 = * Fixed bug that not show prices per countries group when added a new variation using the "add variation" button. * Fixed bug: product variation currency label is wrong. = 1.2.1 = * Fixed bug that not allow set prices in variable products. = 1.2 = * Added: REST service is replaced by GEOIP Database. * Added: Improvements in the plugin settings page. * Added: Debug mode = 1.1 = * Added: currency identifier per group of countries. * Fixed bug in settings page. = 1.0.1 = * Fixed a bug that did not allow to add more than one group of countries. = 1.0 = * Initial release!